•*• Acid Rain •*•

2 years ago

"God created the world with letters, numbers and words. "- Did they? Who is God? They're not the same person as the true Creator that's for sure. Who people believe to be the true Creator is the lie known as God. They are the fake one. In Revelations it even says that they return to pass Judgement but are described as having fire eyes... that is not the true Creator. That is the Devil/Satan.

Video Time: 33 minutes and .03 seconds = 33 or 333

33 Master Number: Out of all the numbers in the world of Numerology, the Master Number Numerology 33 is said to be one of the most spiritually inclined numbers and that is why it is also known as the “Master Teacher”. This Master Number 33 is a combination of both master number 11 and 22, which means that this is quite a powerful one, in terms of the experiences, dreams, and intuitions that it can reveal. This numerology Master Number 33 is also known as the number of ‘Spiritual Giving’, and it exceeds in this role more than any other number as mentioned earlier. It offers massive spiritual comfort to all those around them. There are numerous facts about the number 33 in numerology which subscribes to their near-divine status. Namely the first temple of Solomon stood for exactly 33 years, David ruled for 33 years, there are 33 segments in the spine, Jesus lived for 33 years, in the first chapter of Genesis the name of "God" is mentioned 33 times and the Tree of life contains 22 paths, 10 globes, and the invisible Sephira, Daath, thus ensuring that there are in total 33 steps to wisdom.

333 Angel Number: Angel number 333 is a sign of significant growth as well as a wake up call. It's a divine sign sent straight from the Angelic realm. If you see it, embrace it. It signals that something very important is about to manifest in your life, and you’ll want to understand its significance as fully and deeply as possible.

╰⊰⊹✿ Be Blessed. Be Well. Be Wise


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