best way to fight corporatism: be a minimalist

3 years ago

the sun is setting
gonna ride pitseleh late tonight (2-4am)
exercising is always a good thing, doin the right thing for body & mind
riding a bike is a the closest thing to flying
just ran another red light, felt so good
could slowed down but we said no, fuck it
the yoga center that i plowed into with my mom's toyota camry
this one night...back when i had a permit
my mom was so mad and i couldn't stop laughing
the best part of the whole thing...
love talkin to cops about pot
treat police like human beings til they prove otherwise
irony or sumin weird
of course my mother, total control freak explaining "what happened"
speaking of AA meetings
this is that starbucks where i used to hang out all day and do 12step work back in my early twenties
snot-nosed pieces of shit who spend way too much $ on crap coffee that ain't even fair trade
"we're the good guys"
fuck dull foods and everybody that shops there
there is no such thing as a good corporation
at least with the walmart there's no shame in their slave labor
that's why the t-shirt falls apart within a wk
some people can't afford products from mom&pop shops
people shop cos they wanna feel sumin
stuff the void w/ meaningless shit
now all they gotta do is stare at a phone
sell yer mind: prostitution

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