Modernized Experimental 3-TUBE Regenerative Radio

2 years ago

What is Modernized Experimental Radio..? Yap, it's the radio to enjoy, learn, understand and play with a tube circuit. The purpose is let our youngsters know how it works and how it's fun to make by themselves. And it's also good for seniors to re-activate their brain for the thinking. The circuit is mostly very primitive, approx. a century ago, yet the physics and electronical principals are still being important for all of communication devices nowadays. Until the end of 1960s, we Japanese had to learn about 3-TUBE Regen Radio, the tubes earlier were 6C6-6ZP1(41)-12F(V1) later 6AU6-6AR5-5MK9(6X4), in J.H.School housecraft & vocational class. It actually was very difficult, not easy to understand, for 15 years boys there but they were eager beavers. Then as you know, that could become the core I think, Japanese consumer electronics conquered the world market later days. So education in younger days is VERY IMPORTANT!

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