Sunrise - Sunset - AweGOD

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Hi Heart TO Heart! Did you have a good day today? Well, it was either good or bad, yet I am sure either way it went, we can find something to be grateful for in it. There is always something to be grateful for, that is what I love about our God, we never have more than what we can handle and we always have something to be thankful for, this is how He maintains our spirit. Our days end with sunsets and darkness fading out the sunlight a little bit at a time, until it is totally a dark night. One thing we can be grateful for, is we know that the sun will rise again tomorrow morning, shattering the dark with God’s light. Awe God Faithfulness! Sometimes a sunset can be so beautiful, and it brings out incredible Awe in our hearts, awe of God. These sunsets, like the one I captured in this video are so Awe inspiring. Awe of God is such a good thing to develop because it always moves into reverence and gives us a healthy respect for God. Reverence is something we have gotten away from in this generation. Awe for God always settles our soul no matter what we are growing through. A grateful heart is a settled, peaceful heart, because the focus is off of us and on God. What are you grateful for today? Tell God, share with Him how grateful you are and develop and Awe of God, lean into a reverence that is higher than self, a respect which is humble and blossoms into Awe of God. Sweet Dreams! God bless you. Dig Deeper:

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