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15 seconds

The Untouchables

3 years ago

Academic climate fraudsters know they can say whatever lies they want with impunity.


  • 0/2000
  • just a few years ago newspaper articles were talking about climate change causing the river Rhine to reach low water levels. now it's climate change causing what is essentially localised flooding in Germany and Belgium.

  • I'm sorry, but a change of 40 to 50°F over a period of a few hours has nothing to do with CO2. It's called convection and has happened long before human produced CO2 entered the picture.

  • Another excellent vid, Tony. Here in Perth, Australia we are having one of the wettest July's ever. Of course, the 'experts can't blame it on CO2, because they are saying GHG's are making Western Australia drier. So they blame the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). I suspect the IOD, in a different phase, makes it drier too, but they will never admit that.

  • I live in the Pacific North West. You know the place, where we recently hit record highs that was blamed on AGW. Where I live we reached 106 F which was an all time record for the area. According to Tony Heller, not one state here broke an all time record high. I believe him. I am typing this at 3:23 pm, the temp is 69 F. BTW the ave temp is about 79 f for this time of year. The last 2 weeks we have been at or below average temps. Why is the 106 F AGW and the 69 F weather? Oh yes, it does not fit the narrative. This was posted on cdn a few hours ago by me

  • How do you tell mal-informed people that they are mal-informed? Especially when the mal-information specifically says that you are not to be trusted, or listened to. So, it's not that they are simply unwilling to listen, they are forbidden from listening. How do you break through that?

  • Australia is have an exceptionally cold winter so the notion any heat is global is incorrect.

  • Thanks

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