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Pennsylvania Voter Demographics

3 years ago

Dr Frank exposes mechanisms of voter fraud in Pennsylvania by exploring the voter demographics.


  • 0/2000
  • Can you show that this was not the case in other years by trying same process when no fraud was suspected?

  • Great Work Dr. Frank!

    1 like
  • Dr. Frank is an amazing physicist, who happens to be an expert on election fraud. I highly recommend watching his videos. I also recomment his 3 primer series videos. They are short educational videos that give you enough math background to understand how he uncovered the algorithms. Very similar to cracking a secret code. Dr. Frank is a fascinating person - very 0ptimistic, and a true follower of Jesus. We are blessed to have him in America at this day and age. God bless you Dr. Frank. And God speed. Hopefully we will correct our elections before 2024!

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