God turns the bad into good...Genesis 50:20

3 years ago

this weird dream that i had
this friend of mine who no longer speaks to me cos i am not a socialist
oh this God-forsaken starbucks
more than addicted to coffee, i was addicted to talking about my problems
12 step recovery outside starbucks all day long
typical early twenties behavior
symbolic elements of weird-ass dreams
supposed to be going on a field trip, missed the bus due to being in a bathroom w/ packages of food @ a starbucks where i used to go all the time during 12 step party time and i saw my socialist friend who i haven't spoken to in years
she was already spiritually dead due to the smart phone situation
i still have her memory...i knew that was gonna happen
"But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive" Genesis 50:20
i do not wanna taint the memory of these people who used to be in my life
the people i make fast friends w/ hate this culture just as much as i do
time, technology, and stuff
tyler durden famous quote but so very true
klaus schwaub might be right haha
people don't own their thoughts/feelings
...and this is why all my shit is free

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