the cannabis is in me, always has been

2 years ago

love this hat and my tie dye weed socks, imagine that shit
giving the remainder of this delta8 to my fren, brittany
i don't even consider it a relapse cos i am honestly not paying any attention to my number of days sober
God knows me so He knows what's up
God hears me meow all the time...He know i am curious
other people meow at me before i even meow at them
when do i wanna be at twin kegs
i hit curbs outta spite of the man in my head
marijuana/hemp is so interesting
no way that delta8 is not synthetic cos they have to extract the thc from the hemp plant
this is why i wear the weed hat
why do the actual thing when you are the actual thing
endocannabinoids is a real thing
learning about the cannabis plant w/ ag
i don't even wanna make edibles anymore
oh the timing of the man in my head
he's right, i dunno how to drive (hence hitting all the curbs)

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