$38.63 in coins (cos we broke)

3 years ago

that's a lotta money in quarters
no, i cannot count
$20 in quarters
technically $11 in dimes
$1 in nickels
an additional $1 in 3 quarters, 2 dimes, one nickel
45 additional cents
that's arlo being a little bitch, per usual
$5 in pennies
an additional 18 cents in pennies
wtf is arlo eating
$38.63 was right, re-calculated
this is gas $
i gave myself a limit and broke it last night running over another curb
i had a spider crawling on me earlier
my pussy joke, inspired by ronnit
the typical pandering "jokes"
how'd we get onto pussy...oh yeah spiders
i feel very honoured that a spider was crawling on me
that spider wanted to get close to me...special doesn't come close to describing it

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