Holding the Line on Vaccine Exemptions in America

2 years ago

In this eye-opening NVIC Vaccine Legislative Action Report, the NVIC Advocacy Team analyzes in detail what happened in state legislatures between 2015 and 2017 after a measles outbreak at Disneyland led to a frenzied attack on vaccine exemptions in the U.S. by medical trade and special interest groups associated with pharmaceutical companies and federal health agencies.

Review what happened in California, Vermont and 42 other states and how to protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions using the online NVIC Advocacy Portal.

Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/nvicstandup/holding-the-line-on-vaccine-exemptions-in-america

Fully referenced webpage - http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/October-2017/state-vaccine-legislation-in-america-2015-2017.aspx

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