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Ex Armed Police Ian speaks his mind

3 years ago

Ex Armed Police Ian, UK Column meet up, Parliament Square, London 27th June 2021


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  • indeed. eugenics in action. They have never isolated the virus. The vaccine is not a vaccine. The CCP has infiltrated every aspect of government, science's, universities. Millions of good folks will succumb to these poisons, that destroy ones immune system. This is murder, and within the next two years, millions will be exterminated. Activated by electromagnetic frequencies. Do not consent, do not take this poison into your body. Stand firm, and don't bite into anything until you thourally research the Vax. I will die fighting. it's my body, my choice. Biological warfare is currently upon us, World wide. Communist Chinese party, along with infiltrated, and paid off Government officials. Neurumburg trial were miniscule in comparison. Bill gates of hell, and the us NIH, CDC.All are liable for Crimes against humanity. Thanks for your speaking out. peace to you and yours, brother. Sincerely yours, A simple American.

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  • Keep up the good work!

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