Are You Moody?

3 years ago

I admit it, I can be moody at times. When a life situation suddenly changes way outside your comfort zone, do you get moody? The tides, they change everything up on the beach, and they are in a constant flux, coming in and going out. Some people like the high tides better and some people like the low tides and all the title pools that it creates. If this is our lives, where situations change, where our plans sometimes get wreaked, can we lean in towards the positive first, instead of rolling right into the negative? Does change make you moody when the change is way outside of your comfort zone? Change does not have to have negative connotations; we can look at it like a new God Adventure. Just because we are not comfortable with a change, doesn’t necessarily make it a bad thing, it could be a good thing if we just play it out in followship of God. God has not left us because things have changed up, in fact, He is our ONE constant in this life. God never changes, He is steady and a sure foundation for our lives. If things are changing up in our lives, let’s try not to be a prickly rose, but instead let’s be a refreshing tidal pool where our attitudes add value to the situation, instead of letting our emotions be ruled by something we know nothing about, something we are assuming. How can we truly know the motive and purpose of God, the why of our life changes? Probably the best thing to do is to “grow through” one day at a time, let go and let God. Think on that!
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