Back to the Future II (Part 1A) Doc Brown explains how to fix the present reality

2 years ago

Bob Schlenker and Aaron Hermann of The Open Scroll

What this film presents isn't an exact illustration of what's really going on in our world, but there does have to be a return to a key point in the past, which the Lord assures us will happen perfectly. This diagram is a better picture of our reality. We are living in a time like no other. One day in the not too distant future, time itself will be reset into the past, so that this season on the calendar will be repeated. Time has already been influenced and we're on a timeline, so to speak, that needs fixing. It will be fixed.

Curious about the pending reset of time? Learn more here: "The Pending Reset of Time"

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The Open Scroll is a ministration to the saints according to the working of the holy spirit in Bob Schlenker. Aaron Hermann has been raised up to serve alongside me.


Bob Schlenker of The Open Scroll

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