401. Cain and Abel

3 years ago

Today we begin a look at the end times as seen at the beginning. Many are not aware that the account of Kaw-yin’, better known as Cain, and Haw’vel’ knows in English as Able begins with the English words in Chapter 4 verse 3 “In the process of time” but in Hebrew it sounds like minkates yom. Mi,n written מן, means from or out of … kates, written, ק ץ is an extremity or the end … yome, יומ day … haw-yaw,’היה to exist, this is the word from which the name is God is drawn, YHVH, Yaw-way Yahuah, Jehovah (there is no “J” in Hebrew) the eternal and pre-existent God, I am that I am.

Soooo the account of these two boys that we think we know so well actually begins at the end of days this will happen, or out of the end of days this will exist. The account of Kaw-yin’ and Haw-vel’ is much more than a story of two brothers from a time buried in history, it is promised to be the account of what will happen at the end of days.

This account will lead us too two more pairs of brothers, we also believe we know and how they all fit together to weave a warning about what is in store for those living at the end of days before Y’shau, the Hebrew word for salvation and translated into Greek and English as Jesus (remember no “J” in Hebrew so this was not His name) returns. That is what will happen before Salvation returns to Earth.

Truth eh’-meth aw’man amt אמת
Death maw’-veth mooth mt מת

Shemoth (Exodus) 15:2
Sirach (Ecclesiates) 8:4
Tehillim (Psalms) 59:16
Tasloniqiym Ri’Shon (1 Thess) 1:5
Luqas 4:32
Tehillim 119:28

To-raw’ TRH תרה translated a law
Yaw-raw’ YRH ירה Translated as to flow or throw

“To throw a finger in the direction you should walk or live”
Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible pg 142 Entry 1227

B’ray-sheeth 4:1-8
B’ray-sheeth 3:14-15

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