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Living Through A Coup: 1979 Iran & Lessons For American Patriots Today

3 years ago

Guest Speaker Pastor Shaharm Hadian


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  • Please check and fix the audio feed. Thanks!

  • Audio is good. I am listening thru headphone. Pray that this ministry being spread around. Satan is busy suppressing Christians voices. I've seen many Christians video views being black listed or make it harder for users to search on the google. Even if you want to listen into Christians sermon, it is age restricted. Some of the brothers and sisters have exposed the enemies lies and they get notification from banking institution blocking them from financial access. It is getting extreme. Be prepare to help brothers and sisters in Christ during time of need. The enemy may have all the resources they can control, but ultimately God is in control. Their method of suppression will only turn unbelievers to Christ. Fight the good fight as we are very close to the finish line. God blessed.

  • Excellent presentation and spot on about the coup and a need to create a patriot network. I totally agree about the church should be doing a lot more to help get kids out of the public school system. Andrew Torba, founder of the Gab social media, has been advocating for many of the things Pastor Hadian stated were needed for when we are denied services. There is even a group putting together a list of conservative/Christian business that are not "woke". He is working on Gab TV to make it a YouTube alternative and will be adding things on Gab like a Marketplace, Gab ads and Gab pay. https://news.gab.com/2021/06/20/building-infrastructure-for-a-new-digital-economy/. Gab is a mix of Facebook and Twitter with most members being conservative and/or Christian. Some racists and anti-Semitics crawl out of their holes to spout hate, but they are easily blocked. Check Gab out and see if it is something that would fit in with your vision. Again excellent presentation that I will be sending out links to it.

  • really looking forward to seeing this if you can fix the audio.

  • 1Ruth2_Lewis Excellent message. A real eye opener. Showing the parallels between Iranian coup and ours is very helpful. Now I understand more about what happened in Iran. You are so right about the church not being any better. I see it all around me. The schools are so important. Right now they are trying to indoctrinate children of all ages with all this garbage. We have been asleep the last 20 or more years and that is why they already have many of the millennials. I get my news and information from about 6 reliable pastors that teach Bible prophecy. Because I am 85+ years old with numerous health issues, I am unable to do a lot of things, but I can pray. I pray for you, Pastor Brandon, your family and church to keep strong and for God's protection. Thank you so much for sharing this on Rumble. God bless.

  • Not working! Really anxious to watch this.

  • Dear Pastor Holthaus, Listened to this sermon via Sermon Audio and it was fine. God bless you and Pastor Hadian for this work of meat. God is raising up some mighty Spirit-filled warriors for these days. May He bless and protect you both. 🙏🏻👩🏻‍🌾

  • Not working! Really anxious to watch this.

  • This was incredible!!!! Thank you!

  • Was the mic not connected to the computer? It's like a whisper ... check the audio on the computer, might be the sound card or something else that needs an update, the Sunday sermon on YouTube was also bad audio low and garbled too

  • I was looking forward to this, no volume.

  • The audio is good on Rumble .. perfect!

  • So grateful to be introduced to Mr Hadian,thank you so much Pastor Brandon for the Godly, manly courage also. Thank you for clearing up the history about Iran! I just knew something didn't add up in their relationship with Israel and etc. It is SO blessed to have the move of God revealed to this very day and from ages past. My faith is truly enriched even in this evil day. I support you and pray "always": very often. God bless you and be your right arm in this battle, Praising our Father for raising up these few brave men

  • The audio is OK on Rumble, but can't be heard on my smartphone. I tried two different phones, and the result is the same. (Samsung smartphones)

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  • Was the morning message recorded?

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