The TRUTH about micropayments

2 years ago

Micropayments may be the most controversial topic in the (technical) history of the internet. Micropayments for web monetization have been discussed since the very beginning of the web, there was even space left in the specification (code 402) because it was assumed they would become part of the protocol. And yet, 30 years later, micropayments have still not caught on.

Thought leaders like Clay Shirky & Nick Szabo laid out strong arguments for why micropayments would never succeed 20 years ago, but could blockchain micropayments change this? Could micropayments using cryptocurrency be the solution? Can blockchain & distributed public ledgers like Bitcoin change this future technology and help contemporary media and digital content creators find alternative funding?

New micropayment payments technology and web monetization applications like Coil are getting lots of attention from cryptocurrency news as the future of web 3.0.

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