Celebration of Life for Mary Land (1932 - 2021)

3 years ago

Remembering Mary Land

The gathering of family and friends to worship God and to celebrate the life of Mary Land. Mary Land (1932 - 2021)

What a wonderful life we are celebrating today and giving thanks and praise to God, our heavenly Father, for bringing Mary into our lives. She is the women to be praised and cherished just as Proverbs 31 tells us "we shall rise up and call her blessed!" We are blessed.

How fitting on this Father's Day, we can rejoice that after eight years since her beloved husband Jack entered into the Father's Presence, now again Mary and Jack share the joy of being together and all the promises our Lord Jesus made they are experiencing.

Dear Family, it is true you shall miss them, but here is such wonder in God's presence, that all those who are there, happily they do not miss us. Perhaps they look forward to our coming one day when our work on earth is done.

Mary's daughters recall lovingly ...

"Mom was born in a small village in Scotland on August 17, 1932. She was an only child, but had many cousins to play with as she grew up. Most summers, she traveled to Peterhead, Scotland to spend summer with her Granny Dolly. She spoke fondly of those special memories. Mom took piano lessons and ballroom dancing lessons and won many awards.

"During World War II, our parents were introduced by a photo that a family friend had shared with Jack. Their love story began as pen-pals and after several years Jack traveled to Scotland to meet the lovely girl with whom he had been exchanging letters. In the summer of 1952, the romance blossomed and Mom left her homeland to come to America to be married! On September 12, 1953, she married Jack Land and she loved and cherished dad until the day she died. As a couple, they were well known for their ballroom dancing. They danced with grace and elegance as if they were one, and approached parenting, and life in general, much the same way.

"Mom had a pure heart and a gentile spirit. We learned about love, loyalty, honesty, integrity, responsibility, honor, respect, and faithfulness and love for God and the church and the church family, through the life she lived. Her gentle spirit seemed to draw people to her which provided her with many loving friendships after dad died. She was incredibly grateful for her church and Dunkin Donuts and Windward Palm friends."

"Mom was a devoted and loving woman and our lives and relationships with God are proof of the prayer and influence of her love for us and her abiding faith in The Lord. We will miss "Mom" but rejoice in knowing The One Who said "I go and prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am you shall be also". (John 14:3)

Mary's family includes daughters, Karen (Barr) Shriver, Wendy (Ray_ Pare', Cindy Travers, and Grandchildren: Melissa (Ryan) Jones, Heather (Chris) Stewart, Brian (Jamie) Pare', Chris (Paiola) Pare', Casey Travers, Amanda Travers, Great Grand Children: Ashin Jones, Alex Jones, Taylor Pare', Ethan Stewart, Katelyn Stewart.

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