August 30, 2021 🇺🇸 MOTHER MARY SAYS... Life as you know it, will soon come to an End!

1 year ago

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Life as you know it, will soon come to an End

August 30, 2021 – Message from Mother Mary thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, give us the grace to persevere, be steadfast and stay faithful to You. Jesus, we trust in You… Amen.

(Mother Mary) “There is no way for you to be prepared for what is coming soon. The repercussions are beyond imagining and certainly much of what the world considers normal goods and services will abruptly stop. This will cause much consternation and desperation. Yes, Prayer is your only preparation now that you have food stored up. Please do not forget the goats. I know you are uneasy about that, but it is what I have asked you to do. Be at peace about this Clare, it is the Father’s will for you.

“Moving on, the tendency for some will be to split apart, but that is the wrong move, it is my expressed will that you all hold together and pray. This is where the power is. To separate will weaken you. Those who have their own opinion operating in pride, may not adhere to my request.

“But I am asking you my children, your strength is in numbers. The moment you leave the refuge, you are vulnerable to a multitude of evils, this is why I am warning you now, cleave to one another and remain in prayer. There is nothing more effective for you to do then than to stay and pray. You are at the hub of the wheel and your prayers bring the much-needed assistance of boots on the ground to those who really need it. There will be miracles by His hand to help keep you in peace.

“These events will be the crucible where holiness is formed. Being under these kinds of pressures that no man or woman has yet experienced on this earth, will reveal the character of many, some to be saints, others to condemnation. But you my children are truly a light to the world, and I want you to lead by example by praying and asking for my intercession.”

(Clare) Mother, please help me finish writing these messages, I feel so bogged down.

(Mother Mary) “Part of that is the decline of your flesh, but other parts are from the enemy. You are familiar with the saying… ‘Do it afraid?’ Well, now I ask of you all… ‘Do it anyway.’ You must stay close to Jesus, Clare. This is your strength. This is all the source of strength for all of you. The further away you drift, the more diminished is your ability to stay in the spirit and cope with a crisis.

“You have lived together for many months, you have been through many tests and passed them successfully, this will be a continuation of your tests. Those who are new among you will be more challenged, you must be patient with them and uphold them with charity and prayer. You will have a very great deal of protection and your enemies will be busy with their own survival. Remember that charity and love will win over all situations. Remember please that I have asked that there be no firearms on the property. Understand that you can either defend yourself or have the angels defend you.

“My children, practice a new level of self-denial and humility, be adhering to my wishes. Those of you that do, will be greatly blessed. Obedience is your greatest protection.”

Jesus says… Darkness shall cover the Earth

August 30, 2021 – Message from Jesus & Mother Mary

(Elisabeth) May the love of our Lord and His Will always triumph in times of trouble, Amen. Dear Heartdwellers, I want to share with you a vision and message from Blessed Mother. We were praying the Sorrowful Mysteries in our Rosary group. There was a painting that Mother Clare did depicting Blessed Mother holding the world in her hands and drawing the earth closer to the heart of her Son, Jesus.

As I was meditating on the Crowning of Thorns mystery and looking at this painting, I clearly saw the earth start to spin, faster and faster and faster. When suddenly it stopped spinning, I then saw a dark, black spot in the center of the earth and the black began to spread out until it covered the entire earth. When the blackness reached the edges of the globe, the earth instantly disintegrated into ashes and then went back to the beautiful, renewed earth with blue and green colors as it looks in the painting. I thought ‘WHOA’ what does that mean and heard the words…

(Jesus) “Darkness shall cover the earth.”

(Elisabeth) How long Lord before that happens?

(Jesus) “Soon, very soon.”

(Elisabeth) The following day Blessed Mother began speaking…

(Mother Mary) “Life as you know it will soon come to an end. Peoples way of living will abruptly change and they will experience a new normal. Where food items and supplies that are readily available now, will be very hard to come by and even nonexistent. Betrayal, chaos and unrest will ensue and lawlessness will abound, my children. Do not be alarmed when you see these events unfold. This has been in the planning stages for quite some time. Unrighteousness and wickedness will continue to take hold of people, but you, dear ones have been trained in obedience, righteousness and taught to love one another and live peacefully. In times of disruption and disorder, you will reach people with brotherly love and share with them the merciful love of My Son.

“This period of trial will not be the time to bear arms, but to show love and charity to those who are suffering, hurting and in need of compassion. For these virtues will be rare during this turmoil, but very powerful against hate and raging of those guided by the enemy and not of the Spirit. You have long been preparing for this and I encourage you all to not fear or panic or be in dread of anyone or anything that you see, for My Son goes ahead of you and is always with you. Do not be concerned, child, about the vision you were shown.”

(Elisabeth) And here Mother Mary is referring to a vision I had where I was in a dark, dirty prison cell, dressed in filthy rags and freezing due to the extreme cold temperature of the tiny space I occupied. My body hurt all over, but the hurt in my heart outweighed the physical pain as I was praying for my captors and those who were still unsaved. At this point, I knew I was awaiting execution.

(Mother Mary) “Do not be anxious or worry, precious ones, when dreams and visions that you have seen come to pass, you will be so filled with the Holy Spirit and the Will of God that you and all my children will be unmoved by situations and circumstances. Your earthly perspective will change to one who will only want to fully submit and cooperate with divine will.”

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