missing and exploited ballsacks piano punk

3 years ago

my naychur to nay-say
canaan WHICHARD, how many times will i get his name wrong
and of course me
lotza stuff that needs to be talked about
fuck the cowbell, you're gonna do this instead
patriarchy is tellin me what to do
wish i could do this, but i get nervous
you understand me vortex
once i figured out how to snap i couldn't stop snappin
still can't wink
this keyboard is a lotta fun
the most fun that i've had all morning considering
people don't mind being robot zombies
ya see what they take...no wonder they're fine w/ everything being fake
what isn't pornography
this country is the most degenerate
i'm just some piece a shit that questions things
we're so blessed to have this glorious personality disorder...not so schizotypical
no not clever, just better than you
our language is fuckin us w/ a double ended dildo...it's being used against us
why can't we re-create reality since that's what the left does
drugs are bad but pharmies are fine
i know what happens to white kids in poverty...would stab a social worker
comedy still goin down @ the crib
todd has supported comedians this entire time
shitting on the world & the world shitting back
need to finish my communist book

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