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MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #26 – Define Your Culture – To Connect, Start with 1-2-1

3 years ago

Meeting 1-2-1 is more than when you meet just one person, one networking group, one customer, or a packed audience. 1-to-1 means to meet them where they are and not where you are. It is not a 1 and 1.

In 1-2-1, you need to believe, value and unconditionally love your audience, your customer, or the person you are meeting. When you believe in people, they believe in you. When you value people, you always give value to them. When you unconditionally love them, you give your all. You don't hold back. The people meeting or listening to you can tell the difference. Connections don't just happen. It takes work.

To connect with people, you need to believe in them, value them, and unconditionally love them – Start with 1-2-1.