MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #19 - Near or Far – Where to Start?

3 years ago

As a tanker in the U.S. Army, I was trained to engage targets on the range in a specific order. The sequence was based on a couple of factors – near to far, most threatening to least threatening, high payoff to low payoff. In most cases, the near target was probably the most dangerous, while the distant targets were less.

While it seems obvious, closer and more dangerous targets should be addressed first, business owners often get stuck focusing on the long targets. You see, it feels safer to work on the long-range target. There is more time, you are less pressed for decisions and actions, and working on the long target is an excellent excuse to ignore the close-in targets.

But let's flip that and replace targets and threatening with opportunity. Should you ignore the close-in opportunities and stay focused on the long-range plan? Today's Blog thinks into this dilemma.

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