The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace | Book Review (Dr. Gary Chapman, Dr. Paul White)

2 years ago

The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White has helped me to learn how I can appreciate my work colleagues effectively!

I picked up this book in preparation for my first job. I had been told for many years growing up that I wasn’t going to be able to get a job or hold on to a job. This fear that my parents were right about me drove my actions for about 13 years, until I finally turned to God and started healing from my complex post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia. And at some point in my journey I realized I was going to be free to have a job too.

This book extends the concept of the love languages in the setting of the workplace and it has helped me a lot to understand better how the love languages work with my husband and my loved ones, in addition to helping me understand what’s appropriate and what’s not in the workplace and when it comes to work relationships. God bless you, abundantly!

✅The Blessed Woman (by pastor Debbie Morris):

✅ Frequency: Tune In. Hear God. (by pastor Robert Morris):

✅ God speaks your love language (by Dr. Gary Chapman):

✅ From pain to paradise (by Karen Evans):

✅ When sorry isn’t enough (by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Jennifer Thomas):

✅ Fresh Start Bible review:

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