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Backyard Archery Range

3 years ago

I am setting up an archery range in my backyard. In this video, I am shooting my Scorpion Long Bow along the side of the house. It's about a 22 yard range. I am shooting into a BlackOut Bag target that I had to repair with duct tape. The arrows get caught on the field point insert collar. What a nuisance. My main goal is to get exercise since we can't go anywhere or do anything. I really like the Delta McKenzie 18 sided target. I have learned to rub a bar of soap across the first six inches or so of the arrow shaft to aid in arrow removal. I do like the small Yellow Jacket Bag Target. And of course, I continue to enjoy the foam targets for easy arrow removal. You can also see me on Ron's Archery on YouTube where I have over 580 videos.

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