Not Today!

3 years ago

Some of us have some emotional pain in our yesterday and if we let it carry to our today, the enemy wins the day. Yesterday is truly a thing we should leave in our past, in God hands of justice and reconciliation, then it does not carry forward into our today defining our emotions and quite possibly, darkening them. Jesus is our reconciler, He, Jesus is the light of our today, stand in the light that always shines in our day. On this day be free of your yesterday, and don’t let the enemy steal from this day, He already stole from your yesterday, so say “enough... not today”. Not Today! Devil you may have created all kinds of evil havoc in our yesterday, but I am not bringing it into this day. This day is new, so get lost enemy of my soul, you will not bring your soul havoc into this day. Enough is enough of your stupid soul tormenting, I choose life on this day, I choose happiness, I choose joy, I choose to leave yesterday behind. God is doing something new and I am going to know it, to experience it. God is in this day, with me, my reconciler of all things and today, God and I will make a new memory of His goodness, grace and mercy and I will experience this new day free of the havoc of my yesterdays. Not Today – No Soul Torment Received! I am new, today is new, and God loves me unconditionally, there is no condemnation in Him. I choose God. I choose to have a new day in Him. I win, you lose enemy of my soul. Today, I walk in the victory God has already won for me. I choose joy. Dig Deeper:

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