hittin the cowbell wrong the whole time (ag standup 1045)

3 years ago

yes cowbell
body language lessons
inanimate objects do not misinterpret me
good sense of reluctance
have i ever been shevelled
when left untreated...you figure yourself out
internalization power but yakkers gonna yak...
conversation novelty, 2007 smart phone technology...get off twitter
self discovery ain't fun
my libido jumped off cliff
cj is repeating everything i say
father's day joke
bad advice to tell me to buy a gun
burglar would steal squatee potee
knock knock
God don't need no legal pad, He's God
Christian joke...we'll hang out later (later)
gonna pull a what dreams may come for ronnit if need be
been hittin it wrong the whole damn time
cj is hilarious

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