i know...it's not cold brew

3 years ago

probably should kill myself cos this state of annoyance isn't going away
so happy i found beaded Jesus
why distraught this happens all the damn time
i usually assume it's my mouth that makes them leave
sierra leone coffee typically
the right amt of cream n sugar is amazing
we can have it both ways...not boring
classic ag...no idea what i was talking about
finding things that i lose...beautiful
wouldn't be so happy to find sumin if i hadn't lost it, ya know
just channelled jerry seinfeld here
...why are you still here dude
artist hands right there...
517 vids, aim less & 46, amy gross
ag hates technology as much as snarl marx hates original industrial revolution
henry david thoreau is my hero
agorism anarchy...smarter n happier
not a whiny little bitch, just kickin it in his cabin
i have definitely quarrelled w/ God...not as cool as thoreau
distraught but still trusted the process
found what i was looking for when i stopped looking for it
obsessive need to control and then...
give it to God, He'll fuckin take it

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