everybody buys the poison and then whines

3 years ago

not a misogynist, can't stand stupid people (a lotta of em happen to be women)
society coddles women and teaches us not to take criticism
society encourages everyone to be the lowest common denominator
unfortunately many take the bait
victim blaming, this is what i'd get accused of
not gonna blame men for this
male feminists are scum of the earth
better women are not perpetual victims!
somebody steppin on yer toes...where are you puttin yer feet
these are the examples that are set before us no wonder we don't act right
west civ is not civilized!
we do a far better job at oppressing ourselves than the elite can even dream about
oh joy another accident
america is the worst example of humanity
americans allow their country to be terrible
we subject ourselves to what all we have been sold/told
can you really be mad at these puppets

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