John Kerry Compliments China, Says You’d Be Certifiable To Fight Over Trade, Cyber

3 years ago

John Kerry: “Well, look, obviously there are some difficult issues between United States and China right now. We all understand that. But look, China is — is a smart country, led by people who look very carefully at these issues, and they understand it doesn’t really do anybody any good to be, you know, adamant about one issue or another, while you’re on a suicide pact to destroy the planet. I don’t know what good does that do to anybody…. I mean there’s so many different components of this that are going to cost trillions upon trillions of dollars for all of our economies and ultimately challenge life itself in many parts of the planet. And if we were sit there and saying, ‘Well, I’m going to fight over this issue, that’s a trade issue, or a cyber issue, and we’re going to fight about that while the world is falling apart you’d really be certifiable. And I don’t think that any of us want to fit into that category.”

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