screw things up/make jokes so we don't kill ourselves

3 years ago

there's still a lotta good in this world/this country
by nature i am very cynical about things
still whimsical and child-like due to brain "disease" (it keeps me young)
very easy to get sucked into negativity of this world
didn't even notice that typo yet
peanut butter church
pb dollops instead of that wafer
see why it's more fun to be politically incorrect
blasphemous schmaphemous
not doing what you're told to do about this "crazy"
we're not playing these games
goin 25 bitch shut the hell up
decided not to go to sleep
if only i had weed...alas
don't smoke weed anymore, it's laced
fuck it, goin under the street, see next vid
they keep the kids under the st in the cities, not the suburbs

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