An Act Of Courage

3 years ago

It is easy to think of courage as something grandiose or spectacular but sometimes the most courageous choice is much quieter.

The other day, during a session with my client Susan, we had a conversation about acts of courage and what that means.

She was saying that everyone thinks that her son Dave is the fearless courageous one, because he is right into extreme sports.

He is a risk taker.

But Susan sees her daughter as the courageous one.

She is the one that she can have tough conversations with.

She is the one willing to stick up for herself, even if that makes her unpopular.

She knows how she deserves to be treated and will not compromise.

She decided to travel for a year, even though all her friends are going to Uni.

As Susan and I talked about her kids, we concluded that courage comes in many forms.

What it boils down to, is that an act of courage will take you closer to your truest self.

It is the choice you make that will trigger you to grow into the person you were meant to be.

A choice that will be scary but liberating at the same time, and that will propel you to be the highest expression of yourself.

Sometimes courage means walking away from someone or something.

Other times it means leaning in, just when you would usually give up or leave.

For some people an act of courage might be to let go of doing and giving and choose to be on the receiving end for a bit.

An act of courage can be to stay in bed for a whole day, unplug from work and social media, and hide from everyone you know, so you can get to experience REST and a RESET.

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