it is my nay-chur to nay-say

3 years ago

very simple process here
andy warhol shit
tom lydon, aka johnny rotten
punk ass attitude
nobody's puttin in this kinda effort
need to be eye-popping to get people's attention
not too excited about drinkin that ensure
very large stack of posters
the more i give myself to do the higher the chance i complete minimal amt of tasks
reading about adrenochrome
whatever i saw in foster care scared the bejesus outta me
God and Tupac heard me say the n-word
1993 is the best year for hip hop
best tribe called quest album beats rhymes & life
artist/speech writer hahaha
new debit card will take its' sweet ass time
i promise all these posters are good
cheap ass crap keyboard that i bought @ goodwill
cranky ass polemic
record bass line or chords, pretty cool little feature

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