flip phone = uncompromising

3 years ago

why do you still have a flip phone amy?
burning w/ questions in there vortex
why don't chu care about the country's demise
contributing to the political ideaulogy
an illusion to keep people in line
what if the police aren't as good as we thought
what if this country isn't as free as we thought
goin all sam tripoli up in here
i choose not to go in the direction everybody else has chosen to go
in history class...did this even really happen
lying just got popular
the Scripture will be the only thing to console you
stop telling people w/ vaginas to get politically involved
i sport my vagina
last night's sleep made up for the previous night's lack of sleep
i need to sleep for a week
i'd wish death on somebody before i'd wish the lull on an artist
glad brett brock was the last mf i fornicated w/

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