nothing will distract you in Hell piano punk

3 years ago

my original keyboard w/ pic of tupac
every 10yrs they talk about Rapture
those that run this country do so thru fear
only the Father knows...
we're all over the place in the Bible
did you know that there are other parts to revelations
we're always in the Psalms tho
on my shit since 1991
the sheep never listen
what if hell is just govt, already there
i am very funny like huh funny
this ain't ever been a christian country
can't spoon w/ the truth, it'll rape you
america is a cesspool of degeneracy
the same thing as the other thing
much rather have a discombobulated brain than...
you guys know what my fave cuss word is
sesame seed is good for you
can't make a thing outta shit, just do it
if they don't have to smell the shit, they don't care
...then they get their ass back on twitter n complain
lemon seed, fuckity fuck
you can't have my tahini cos you're in the vortex
how could you spill sesame paste
slave to yer smart phone
don't chu wish you had the sheer tenacity of ag
maybe you should be inconvenienced
not much of a pandemic cos it wasn't real
if you cared about it when if affected other people
_____is not valued
of course you will have degeneracy when all these things are out
overzealous amt of bowie cds instead of marley cds
only one avocado
pay the extra$ for organic and you don't even eat it, might as well just kill myself
like clock work paisley shows up
local elections matter, not general selection
WE selected trump, he was not selected by elite tho
those that are brain washed are about to croak

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