Ted Kunz, Vaccine Choice Canada, at Kelowna, BC May 25, 2021

3 years ago

Ted Kunz, author, activist and father of a son who died from vaccine complications, addresses the gathering on Victoria Day 2021 in Kelowna, BC.

Sharing a powerful message of the power of love and opposition to government and public health officers who have lost their way in a horrific overreach on a pandemic less deadly and devastating than the consequences of government lockdowns and associated societal/personal health costs, Ted Kunz addresses some of the specifics that governments don't want you to hear - but information and thoughts that you should want to hear, for the benefit of all.

We've deliberately left in some of the exchange between Pastor Art Lucier of Harvest Ministry and Mitch Murphy who together have hosted and moderated this 'feel good' gathering of ordinary folks who are fighting hard for a return to the only normal we will accept - not a 'new normal' and not an 'old normal' but the ONLY NORMAL that existed prior to a human travesty/tragedy in 2020 resultant in bureaucratic mass hysteria at an unprecedented level.

It may be decades before the absolute damage done by irresponsible governments is truly revealed and comprehended.

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