John Rustad's Tough Circus Act Challenge
John Rustad, Leader of British Columbia's resurgent Conservative party, had another interesting week of incredibly high highs and potentially some potentially damaging lows. The 'crossing the floor' moment in the BC Legislature as Lorne Doerkson, sitting MLA for Cariboo-Chilcotin, was a genuine coup adding great credibility to Rustad's Conservatives moving forward but the forced resignation of a Vancouver Island young candidate Damon Scrase because of media pressure citing Scase's social media posts was another blow to the Conservative's fortunes in October.
The ability to walk the tightrope of ensuring freedom of speech for candidates balanced against the potential negative responses from media and political opponents is always a challenge but even more so when Rustad is trying to secure the vote of 'freedom fighters' as well as traditionalists within his own party.
Thus far, my opinion is that Rustad has done a credible job but with many more challenges and crises to come.
Donald Lee, Author, The Way Forward, Book Tour April, 2024 Vernon, BC
Donald Lee addresses to an audience in Vernon, British Columbia. A fifty minute presentation highlighting his new book, 'The Way Forward' - a follow up to his 'What the Hell is Going On?' previous examination of today's confusing reality.
BC Election 2024 heating up with Vote Splitting Disaster looming ...
Most British Columbians have determined its time to show David Eby the door as the NDP has overstayed its welcome. In spite of ever increasing bad policy decisions damaging BC on almost a daily basis, the prospect to remove Eby & his cronies in October rests on the shoulders of two leaders who hold the fate of the electorate in their partisan hands. Will Rustad & Falcon collaborate to do what is needed to defeat the failing NDP?
Conservative Party of BC Still Not Ready to Challenge NDP?
Dr. Stephen Malthouse is the 2nd publicly announced candidate this month to be unceremoniously dumped without explanation by John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia. What are the implications heading into the last six months before the October 16, 2024 election? 53 of 93 candidates are now in place but how many will cross the finish line?
'Unacceptable' to be British Columbian
True to its DEI, SOGI, UNDRIP, Woke Agenda DNA, BC's NDP Government and its bureaucracy solemnly inform 'British Columbians' that our very existence is offensive and exclusionary. You just can't make this stuff up.
Fortunately, 'British Columbians' have the opportunity to show these globalists, agenda driven Hive Dwelllers the door in October, 2024.
Emergencies Act ruled Unconstitutional, Unjustified & Unwarranted.
Unconstitutional. "..not justified in relation to the relevant factual & legal constraints". "..unreasonable & led to infringement of Charter Rights NOT justified under Section 1". Emergencies Act fractured Canada & was illegal. Will Canadians finally stand up to our Abusers?
"We owned the news ... & we very much owned the facts, as well". Draconian.
Public trust in mainstream media is at an all time low - & deservedly so. Listen as the Editor in Chief of the Wall Street Journal callously describes the imperious view of MSM concerning their 'right' to produce and control media, including actual facts. Think of all of the suppression, misrepresentation and distortion of actual facts and events. Then, consider the value and importance of independent media and citizen journalism.
Brynn Jones, Kelowna West Independent Candidate for BC MLA, thoughts.
Brynn Jones has declared his Independent Candidacy for the MLA representative for BC's Kelowna West. Brynn discusses how one individual can, in fact, make a difference without a political party machine behind him. He speaks of the benefits & potential of Independent BC, a non-profit formed to assist Independent Candidates as well as re-engage with voters who currently are not participating in the democratic process.
Sal Vetro & Rick Dignard, founders of Independent BC, speak to goals.
Sal Vetro & Rick DIgnard have created a non-profit that will help BC Independent Candidates pursue their goal of becoming an MLA in BC's provincial legislature. Excerpt from a live stream event August 24, 2023.
Independent BC describes the vision of citizen local involvement.
Sal Vetro & Rick DIgnard describe how individuals could start local initiatives to seek out, assist and elect Independent Candidates for the BC Legislature. Virtually half of BC's eligible voters do not currently take an active part in selecting their own MLA's. This has to change.
Independent BC asks "Can you be the spark?" to elect an independent?
Sal Vetro & Rick Dignard describe how a single individual can become the spark needed to start the process of seeking out and supporting an independent candidate for election in BC's provincial legislature.
Tamara Lich, Freedom Convoy , Author of 'Hold the Line' in Salmon Arm, BC
Prior to a book signing & panel discussion hosted by in Salmon Arm, BC, I had a chance to interview Tamara Lich - a colleague from my political past. Tamara is a sincere, focused and determined critical thinker who has never walked away from challenges - even in the face of conspiring odds against her. Listening to the entire 13 minute interview is well worth your time.
Tamara Lich & Friends in Okanagan August 16th & 17th 2023
The Voice and Face of the Freedom Convoy (along with Chis Barber) is on a book tour for her new book 'Hold the Line' in the Okanagan August 16th & 17th. Salmon Arm, Vernon & Kelowna are the three tour stops. Check out freedom for tickets and times.
Introducing Steve Corrie & What We Want to Accomplish. Citizen Journalism.
Voice of the West is fortunate to have been introduced to Steve Corrie, a retired air traffic controller, community radio station co-founder & most importantly, an experienced, knowledgeable critical thinker.
We are creating an augmented format with in studio dialogue, discussion & debate with key issues affecting Canadians, particularly Westerners, every week.
Look forward to our next broadcast next week. Find us on X (Twitter) at Voice of the West (@WestVoiceofthe).
Donald Lee, Author of What the HELL is Going On?, shares insights & perspective.
Donald Lee is a multi-faceted Renaissance Man who has been a power engineer, musician, educator, economist, businessman, motivational speaker and author. His website is
Donald’s latest book entitled 'What the Hell is Going On?' deals with the devolution of our Western Civilization, our value system and the numerous frauds that have been deliberately, with malice aforethought, perpetrated upon our unsuspecting society.
The book, and Donald Lee's presentations throughout Canada, are well worth your time as the book is a comprehensive, well-structured analysis of 'what's broke' and what needs to be fixed. Donald Lee not only provides a description of the problems we are facing but also, importantly, provides solutions - at a level that can be embraced by most critical thinkers.
Maverick Party - Just Not Ready? Who or What Is the Problem? My thoughts.
Maverick Party is the renamed WEXIT Canada registered with Elections Canada August 1, 2021. Since that date, investigations & recent phone calls indicate no financial records or reports have been filed since inception. This should be extremely concerning to Maverick members as well as Western Canada's voting public.
An upcoming AGM has been announced for June 3, 2023 but the Maverick website shows no details - including whether or not the 'Executive Representatives', formerly Guiding Council, formerly Board of Directors will actually be democratically elected.
Is this regional Western based federal party ready for your vote?
Is Maverick Party a genuine alternative for the West in Canada's Parliament?
I make the argument that Maverick Party is, to coin Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, "Just Not Ready".
Your thoughts?
North Okanagan Shuswap Truth Freedom Movement Feb. 23, 2023 Zoom #2
We all do the small actions together and we win!
Uploaded on behalf of Steering Committee of Standup Vernon!
Will Alberta & Saskatchewan Stop the Creation of Canada's (WEF) Digital ID Program?
Today, Canada's Federal Government is meeting with Provincial Health Care counterparts in an attempt to trade taxpayer dollars for the surrender of private individual's health care data.
Why? This brings the prospect of a National Digital ID Social Credit Score program one step closer to reality. The possibilities are chilling - and draconian. Digital ID means the government can control virtually all of your day to day activities - earnings, purchases, banking, travel, freedom to assemble, freedom to make your own decisions as an individual.
This initiative must never be allowed to see the light of day in Canada.
Only Alberta and Saskatchewan appear to have Premiers willing and able to protect our inalienable rights and freedoms. Danielle Smith and Scott Moe deserve our support in this vitally important negotiation process.
As well, the passage of Bill C-11 by Canada's Senate (with amendments) prevents this Freedom of Speech destroying legislation from becoming prevailing law. We must continue to fight against Bill C-11 so that the Senate does not rescind the amendments necessary to protecting and defending the rights of Canadian Citizens to hold our governments and those in power to account.
North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Group Jan. 17, 2023 First Zoom Meeting
North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Group held its first Zoom Meeting January 17, 2023. The group is a diverse, but focused, group with a common purpose - to restore & defend the individual rights, freedoms & liberties in Canada as guaranteed by Canada's Constitution, its Charter of Rights & Freedoms and the principle of inalienable human rights.
The initial meeting discussed the ability to reach out via newsprint media (Dredge), the formation of a local Chapter of Action4Canada, the possible formation of a new provincial political party pledging to reclaiming Constitutional Rights, Authorities & Responsibilities, the importance of informed consent & personal bodily autonomy as well as a number of other key areas of concern.
Please consider supporting this channel & lending your voice to the next meeting to be held the 3rd Tuesday of February, 2023.
The Decline & Fall of Western Civilization - Have We Reached the Point of No Return?
Disturbingly, every day seems to bring more evidence of malfeasance by those in positions of power & trust. When did citizens abrogate our personal responsibility to separate Truth from deliberate, agenda driven Lies , Misinformation & Disinformation?
Has Western Civilization reached its Zenith? Are we now on the brink of a societal collapse without prompt, informed resistance to a globalist agenda?
Why do so many accept lies & deliberate mistruths from both those in power as well as the mainstream media?
Logistics & Philosophy Behind a new BC Provincial Political Party
Many voters (& non voters) are frustrated and disappointed in mainstream political parties in BC. Between scandals & draconian lockdown policies, even breaking Constitutional and Charter Rights to personal bodily autonomy, we have been disappointed too many times by authoritarian, ideology driven MLA's & parties that seem to have forgotten about the voter - the very Constituents who elected them to office to act in our best interests.
This video outlines a new vision, a new strategy and a new way of looking at politics that returns Direct Democracy & Participatory Democracy to the Constituents.
British Columbia's Curious Unique History & a Possible Future 01-17-2023
Voice of the West details a number of factors that relate to BC Politics, Social Environment, Economy and Future Prospects. This video provides a background for those less familiar with the unique circumstances that have shaped BC. A number of projections are also referenced that indicate the direction of BC's future.
Western Provinces can regain Sovereignty using Canada's Constitution Part 1
Canada started as a Confederation of Provinces but quickly became a Federation with overly strong centralized Federal control. Provinces do have the ability to regain much of the sovereignty surrendered once the Supreme Court was established in 1875 but it will take a resolve to reassert Provincial Authorities, Rights & Responsibilities that were unwisely abrogated to Ottawa.
It's not too late to 'fix what's broke'.
Is Maverick truly the Regional Federal Party for the West?
In January, 2023 Maverick Party (formerly Wexit Canada) will reach its 3rd anniversary as a political entity.
The strong possibility of a federal election in Canada exists as early as the spring of 2023.
Is Maverick Party prepared to realistically challenge for any seats in Canada's House of Parliament?
Has Maverick done all it can to champion the interests and wellbeing of the West?
What more can, should, Maverick Party be doing to achieve viability and success?
Is the Price of Freedom worth at least $8 per month? Unquestionably.
Elon Musk has rocked the Social Media world by acquiring Twitter and pledging to make it a fair, balanced forum for dialogue, discussion, debate - even plain, old fashioned entertainment. Musk's vision appears to be to be to expand Twitter into the premier citizen journalism and news disseminating platform on the planet.
I share Elon Musk's vision and I share his commitment. I am thankful to have the opportunity to lend my small voice to the growing chorus of individuals who have embraced our newfound freedom and ability to give back to a Western Civilization that has given us so much.
The Price of Freedom requires Eternal Vigilance. The Price of Freedom requires Critical Thinking. The Price of Freedom requires our individual commitment to the preservation of Freedom of Speech and the other Liberties and Rights that our forefathers and mothers fought so hard to establish for the benefit of all future generations.
$8 per month is a trivial sacrifice to make in order to continue to champion our inalienable Rights and Freedoms.
Thank you, Elon Musk, for giving us the opportunity to give back to those to whom we owe so much. Our children and grandchildren also thank you for your wisdom and your contributions to humanity.