Leadership Classics: Patrick Lencioni | FAMILY, LEADERSHIP & LOVE

3 years ago

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

Family is an organization, the most important organization in our lives. And yet wherever we work, whether it’s a church or company or a school, we spend time planning and having off-site meetings and strategy sessions. We clarify our values and do everything we can to maximize the output of organizations, but at home, we just wing it. Why? Why would we abdicate responsibility for managing our families if we manage every other organization we’re involved in? It’s because of that thing you’ve probably heard about called “unconditional love.” You see, if we don’t manage our work, we can get fired. If we don’t manage our finances, we can lose our money. But we’re not going to get fired from our family. They’re going to love us no matter what.
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