clean-ish (my house has been a mess for several yrs)

3 years ago

master consolidator
meow all day and i don't care still
props: phone, colouring book, oldskool tv
paisley is a lot like satan, that sneaky ass cat
lap top is the most modern thing i possess
coming back to the world even tho it's the last thing i wanna do
all the way in clusterA
hamburger costume
every pothead has to have marijuana attire
still fuck with hemp all day
binders, more binders, notebooks, papers
you can tell when they're about to jump
the idea of freedom is nice, ain't it
honey bear and his/her dead eyes
avocado bed, i love the fuck outta cheese
already do that w/ water, might as well do that w/ cheese
can you decipher these meows vortex
is she telling me when Jesus is coming back
everybody behaves like a politician now
fuck bush. still.
the elite used w to pull off 9/11
don't even ask that question, my other self (man in my head) giving me shit
i do miss being a chain-smoker/pothead
i'm a betch teasing you vortex
zach would find me funny cos he is hilarious
what's more disgusting...
the sleep stay asleep and distracted
infuriating living in this world amongst the sheep
oh wait..there's this thing goin on...

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