Yoga Class Chakra Concentration 20 Minutes

3 years ago

Awaken your energies, harmonize your Chakras, your energy centers. Feel new strength and awaken your hidden talents. Sukadev leads you through a short 20-minute-session of Yoga Asanas, Relaxation and Pranayama. He guides you to special perception techniques, visualisations and affirmations to activate the Chakras, to harmonize the Prana, the life force. This is an intermediate class: You should be familiar with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Shirshasana (Headstand) and other basic Yoga Asanas. The Asanas and Pranayamas are not explained thoroughly - but linked with powerful Chakra Techniques. To prepare yourself for this Video - try our Beginners Videos in this Channel. More about Yoga Vidya Germany on

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