Understanding energy

3 years ago

When I first started working with energy over 20 years ago I was a busy mum.

I developed a practice not just in understanding energy but also in applying it in the real world and this is really fun because energy offers a shortcut to getting what you want.

You can apply energy to improve your relationships, to get traction in your business, to improve your health, to boost your money.

This is why I love energy work because I see so many benefits for everyone.

The big problem with traditional education is growing up we learn only about the physical world.

We learn about the things you can see BUT we can only see 1 billionth of reality.

There is a whole different side of our world, and we miss it if we don’t work with energy.

So you will find that if you learn to work with energy first, you will get much faster, better results than just taking action in the physical world.

It takes all the pushing and striving out of it.

The first place where you need to apply energy is to rebuild a loving peaceful connection with yourself, with trust on both sides.

Both sides mean: between your conscious and unconscious mind, between your higher self or your intuition and your everyday self.

Because let's face it, by the time we are an adult we are so damaged and conditioned from our childhood, that it could take us a lifetime to feel the closeness to your soul that you had with it when you were born.

Your relationship to yourself is reflected in every other connection you experience in life; with friends, clients, animals, your pets, your plants and even your money situation.

Behind every situation, there is energy at play.

The trick is to learn to tap into that energy and start to manage it consciously.

You notice that a lot of the difficulties that you've had, start to go away.

Another really important reason to work with energy is that our planet is so messy right now. People are caught up in aggression, confusion or fear.

There is so much noise around and if you are a sensitive soul, you can learn to connect deeply within yourself, so you stay clear in your mind.

So you don’t feel that you have to hide or protect yourself, because you are safe, you have your intuition to guide you and you are connected to your spirit.

When you start to work with energy, you understand that you are so much more than your body, your critical self becomes quieter.

You love yourself more and feel more appreciated.

Click on the video to experience an energy boost.

Lots of love! Grada

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