Your pain body

3 years ago

Break through the pain body with self-compassion

Tonight I want to talk about a sexy topic, your pain body!

I am sure nobody really wants to hear about this, but it is a great topic and once you understand it, you will never look at yourself the same way again.

The first time I heard about the pain body was in Melbourne, I was recovering from an operation, Pete had gone home and I spent long painfilled days by myself, waiting to be strong enough to fly home to Tassie.

Somebody gave me the book: the Power of Now, by Eckhard Tolle, and it changed my life.

If you haven’t read this book or his next one: The New Earth, I highly recommend it.

He first coined the word Pain Body.

I won’t go into it too much, it is a big subject, but basically, it means that we all have a pain body, that gets triggered or activated, and then we react in a way that we don’t recognize ourselves in.

It feels like an alien has taken over our bodies.

The pain-body is really a body of deeply suppressed emotions that get stuck in our tissues.

Right now, with our world being turned upside down, and all the dark shadows coming up about child abuse and pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse that has been going on for eons, we are collectively processing the pain body of Mother Earth.

So many emotions are trying to come through all at once.

We can mentally process it, but the emotions part goes directly into our unconscious mind, where it doesn’t just disappear, of course, it's just lying there like a giant waiting to wake up!

When it does, it's usually because it has been triggered by somebody else’s pain body or emotion, or the TV or your child or your spouse.

You know… that lovely dynamic (not) where both pain bodies are activated.
Pete and I were like that yesterday.

It feels like riding an emotional crest of a wave, that is razor-sharp, with emotional drama on the one side ( me ) and the emotional suppression on the other side (Pete)

That's how it is for us, for you it might be different.

Thankfully Pete and I never get stuck in one camp anymore.

We have done so much work over the years that today we can recognize what is happening and acknowledge the emotion or the wave of energy that wants to erupt and we have healthy ways of moving it as quickly as possible.

There were 2 ways where we used to get stuck: We used to get pulled into the drama side, where we simply spun around like a tumble dryer of emotions that sucked us in for days….

And then there was the suppression side, which used to be Peters forte, where he pushed everything down to disconnect from the feeling.

The only trouble is that when you disconnect from one feeling, you also disconnect from other feelings.

Do this too often, and you become an island of pain.

So there is the explosive way( Grada) and then there is the low lying depression (Pete).

Low lying depression really steals your life force in the long run, whereas an explosion clears the air, but can do a lot of damage in the process.

So here is a really good way to help release the energy of your pain body.

First of all, bring your awareness to a topic that you find painful or stressful or hurtful
• how does it feel in your belly, chest, or head when you reflect on it
• what are some of the emotions that are trying to emerge
• what are some of the stories attached to this topic
• how can you remain the observer in this?

Now offer yourself a break for self-compassion

You can do this any time during the day or night

Feel a little bit of the suffering

Think of a situation that you are feeling stressed about

A worry or a relationship problem

Something that makes you feel a bit overwhelmed

Put your hand on your heart

Get in touch with it

What is going on in your mind's eye

Just remind yourself, this is a moment of suffering, it is just a moment

I am really struggling right now in this moment

This really is a moment of suffering.

Suffering is part of life, OK?

Find a way to speak to the little child, your inner being

May I be kind to myself in this moment ?

I am being kind to myself now, by feeling my hands on my heart

Talk to yourself as if you are talking to a little friend, your daughter or your grandchild

"I care about you...

... little darling...

I am so sorry....

.....It isn’t your fault......

I want you to be free from suffering

.....And happy
'.....And well"

notice how your body feels right now,

Just sit in silence with the sensations as they move through and out of your body

give yourself the time of the day.

You will feel your body relax as the pain body starts to lose its grip on you...

over time, this will get easier and easier.

Much love, Grada

PS, I am here to support you in every way, and you can connect with me through
or call Pete on 0428283007

PS: Remember that there is nothing worse than suffering and feeling abandoned, so direct compassion into your own being to free up layers and layers of pain and trauma!

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