Cybersecurity|你知道數位指紋是甚麼嗎?你唔知?但佢哋知道你好多私隠|Cookie Javascript 有乜用?

3 years ago

當我哋上網去睇一啲網頁,或者係用社交媒體,執行搜索、網購使用程式既時候,同一時間第三方公司嘅追蹤程式,好似Cookie或者係Javascript,就會同時加載並且開始追蹤,目的係收集元數據Metadata,集中後便成為可以識別每一個人既大數據BigData。而我哋可以清除 Cookie同埋停用Javascript,但數位指紋係獨特同埋唯一嘅,而且係冇辦法清除,為咗避免洩露我哋嘅私隱,需要用一啲特別嘅方法抵抗數位指紋嘅收集。


When we go to a web page, or use social media, search, or online shopping applications, a third-party tracking application, such as a cookie or Javascript, will be loaded and start tracking at the same time, in order to collect metadata, which will become BigData that can identify each person. We can remove cookies and disable Javascript, but digital fingerprints are unique and unique and cannot be removed, so to avoid revealing our privacy, we need a special method to resist digital fingerprint collection.

Unfortunately, even with increased awareness, many people still ignore online surveillance and consider it to be the nature of current online activity, agreeing to terms and conditions without consideration and accepting constant monitoring as a necessary trade-off for convenience and personalization. This perception threatens the fundamental liberal values that define privacy as a right.

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