The (Citizens') Plan To Save The World

3 years ago

There are four kinds of patriots.

The first (and most common) sits and complains that somebody else isn't doing enough to fix the extreme mess America is in.

The second still sits, but s/he wonders what might be done.

The third spins their wheels on ineffective actions, going for quantity without checking for quality.

The fourth kind of patriot took the oath, and meant it.

If you're any but that first kind, The (Citizens') Plan To Save The World was developed by a team of angels assembled by the Creator to empower and equip you to take action that gets results.

This training was developed in a pure spirit of service, providing a clear outline of out the facts needed for finesse on the battlefield and provides not only step-by-step instructions for achieving that which all four types of patriots pray, but free downloadable materials you can put to use right away in your local area.

Freedom, justice, and the American way will not fall to Socialist NWO tyranny if even just one patriot from every county in the United States of America follows this plan of action.

Download here: Please use and share with people you trust.

Brought to you by a fellow, concerned citizen.

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