National Anthem of Brittany - Bro Gozh ma Zadoù (Instrumental)

3 years ago

Bro Gozh ma Zadoù (French: Vieux pays de mes ancêtres; English: Old Land of My Fathers) is the anthem of Brittany, sometimes presented as the "national anthem" although it has no official status. It is sung to the same tune as that of the national anthem of Wales, Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, and has similar words. The Cornish anthem, Bro Goth Agan Tasow, is also sung to the same tune.

(Breton Lyrics)
Ni, Breizhiz a galon, karomp hon gwir vro!
Brudet eo an Arvor dre ar bed tro-dro.
Dispont 'kreiz ar brezel, hon tadoù ken mat,
A skuilhas eviti o gwad.

O! Breizh, ma bro, me 'gar ma bro.
Tra ma vo mor 'vel mur 'n he zro,
Ra vezo digabestr ma bro!

Breton National Anthem / Hymne de Bretagne / Hymn Bretanii / Гимн Бретани / Volkslied van Bretagne / Bretonische Nationalhymne

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