grasping at straws: voting

3 years ago

vortex's seatbelt better than my seatbelt
oooh a trump bumper sticker
this country is wicked
this chaos is destructive
what is an unshit show
a mother's love is as close as it gets to God's love, so true!
"if amy started her own church that would be the church quickest to get burned down by the govt" john hickok (you know they would)
churches encourage govt reliance
love me some arrested development (hip hop group not degeneracy)
describing the infantalization of black community
speech is a genius
fishin for religion...passiveness causes others to pass us by (so true!)
3 years, 5 months, 2 days in the life of...
CORRECTION: this album was released in 1992, not 1993 (my b)
at one point there was more to be salvaged
and attempt to hold onto
some dude that obviously wants to sleep w/ me just offered to give me $
ooooh another trump bumper sticker
we'll give that old ladeh a pass on the turn signal bullshit
my separate experience w/ trump
trump hating on the media just made the media more $
fuck you leftie loosie
pressed that djt button extra hard, extra long just outta spite
same thing happened to al gore
what can ya do...americunts are docile
bill needs to get on this eliminating the sun since he's mourning the loss of his "wife" SAD!

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