Awaken Bible Prophecy class 5-5-21 Vaccine Discussion

3 years ago

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-5-21 Vaccine Discussion

Class discussion centers around the MUST-SEE video in which I posted the following:

This is the video I promised to post.

This video is a discussion among several highly knowledgeable and experienced doctors on the injection that is being promoted as the solution to returning to normality. That will never happen because the Bible says it won't.

However, this video will give you a new perspective on the dangers of the injection besides all the other side effects that have been made known. I personally believe that this is information that all churches should be discussing very publicly. The church should be speaking to the culture, and that certainly includes issues like this injection and the various consequences that may arise so that people can make informed decisions.

What you'll also hear in this video is one of the doctors, particularly, espousing New Age beliefs. Rather than censor this from you, I wanted to expose you to this line of thinking.

In class this coming week May 5 we'll discuss the revelations in this video regarding the injection and also the New Age beliefs and language that you'll hear. I think with the New Age stuff it's a very teachable moment to help you better understand how it differs from Biblical doctrine and why so much of it is creeping into churches in their apostasy as foretold in Scripture.

At the end of this class session we watch and discuss the preventive and treatment protocols by Dr. Vladimir Zalensky, a Nobel Prize nominated doctor. Dr. Zalensky shows there is no need for the so-called vaccine, simply a protocol of vitamins that increase the body's natural ability to fight off infections. For those of us who are "anti-vaxers" there is a simple, safe way to stay healthy.


* Dr. Zalenko at 46:00:

* Private school announces ban on staffers who take coronavirus vaccines, as they might threaten the health of students:

* Why are certain 5G cell tower components labeled “COV-19?”:

* Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths:

* Covid-19: India sees new spike in cases despite vaccine rollout:

* Pfizer’s own documents admit covid vaccines will shed infectious particles to others:

* Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’:

* Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine:

* COVID Vaccine and COVID Outpatient Therapy 2/3/21 - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Preventive Health Alternative:

* Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol

Zelenko Covid-19 Treatment Protocol:

* America’s Frontline Doctors

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