Episode 2b, "Phoenix Rising" Podcast: The Root Cause of the Capitol Riot

3 years ago

This Episode of Phoenix Rising is segment two of a two part episode.

It goes into more detail on just some of the proof that the Capitol Riot was a staged, false flag event. This segment focuses on the specific security issues of appropriate fencing / barricades, and supplemental police manpower. There are also questions posed regarding the purpose of allowing scaffolding to be left in place at the west side of the Capitol building since it should have been evident to law enforcement planners that the scaffolding would likely detract greatly from their "security plan" and "expanded perimeter plan."

Please read and watch the following links to learn much more about January 6th and and to help understand some of the comments I'm making in these podcasts (you may have to copy and paste into your browser).

Chief Steven Sund 8-Page letter to Nancy Pelosi dated February 1:

"Millenial Millie" Weaver / PsyOp the Steal (one of best documentaries out there explaining what really happened at the Capitol on 1/6/2021)

Fox News Judge Jeanine Piro January 17th monologue on FBI's Poor Handling of Capitol Riot Investigation:

White House installs unscalable fencing on 11/2 one day before election. Why didn't Capitol Police and their "Federal Law Enforcement Partners" do the same for Jan. 6 protest?:

This awesome thumbnail by Ashton Howard can be found at: https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/ashton-howard/shop

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