random grrrr piano punk (feisty bitch)

3 years ago

suspicion you're gonna leave purty soon
my abandonment issues are nil
another keyboard with black keys still intact
don't wanna put myself out there
anybody mad about the outcome? this is what you get
listened to His clamor til i understood myself a little better
i hate success
only living americunt who doesn't run from myself
they're just gonna keep doin what they've always done
man do i miss my 2pack a day habit
i know exactly what i believe and what i don't believe
mean-spirited, negative, bitter
snarl marx but w/ talent+decent life philosophy
pagan reagan, not even that clever
just wanna show em what i'm capable of
you don't have me figured out
plz tell me to kill myself cos i haven't heard that before
read the Psalms one more time amy
this gift from the Lord...never bored

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