ABOTT tests using saline (instead of buffer) IN THE ABSENCE of human DNA are POSITIVE_

3 years ago

7 out of 8 ABOTT tests using saline (instead of buffer) IN THE ABSENCE of human DNA were POSITIVE. Confession of paramedic with 11 years of experience.
The Abott test made with saline only comes out positive. In Poland around 50 % of test done are Abott tests. They perform about eight tests every day. It is often the case that we have only saline, because the buffer that is only assigned to the Abbott tests is for 25 such tests. It is not possible to buy only the buffer drops. These drops are simply never available. The numbers of cases reported in the media are based on such a test, if such a test comes out with two lines, a second test is not done, the patient is usually taken to an unnamed hospital and in the statistics such a patient appears as sick with coronavirus.

Translation: Association of the Health Information Center Dobrostan (Wellbeing), thanks to our translation partners. Special thanks goes to translator Valentyna, love you <3

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