Fishing with the EP Minnow for Texas Bass

3 years ago

Helloooooo fishin' friends! Today's video is a defacto One Fly challenge. I tied up a single little EP Minnow using some new tying materials I'd just received the night prior. I promptly took the fly up to the neighborhood pond for some fishing before a nasty storm was forecast to hit the greater Houston area.

From the time I tied the fly on, I never cut it off or lost it. I fished two different ponds with it - though you don't get to see video of the 2nd, because I'm an idiot and forgot to bring spare batteries with me, and the battery in my action cam died after about 40 minutes of fishing.

All in all I caught about 30 fish the day of this recording, mostly in the 2nd pond. I caught a few more in the first pond featured, and hooked up with what would no doubt have been my best Texas bass to date - a real pig of a fish that threw the hook a few feet from the bank.

I made up for it though at the 2nd pond - where I hooked up with 5 good bass and landed 3 of them, including one that was probably 3-3.5lbs. Not too shabby for a 5 weight fly rod and a minnow fly that wasn't even quite 2 inches long!

Dinkers love the EP Minnow too, as did the trees.

Equipment used today:

Temple Fork Outfitters (TFO) 8'6" 5 weight fly rod
Nautilus CCF 5/6 reel
Scientific Anglers GPX taper Sharkskin WF5F fly line


Crosstour CT8500 Action Camera, 1080p @ 60FPS recording
Samsung Galaxy Note10

Edited in VDSC Video Editor Pro

Find me on Instagram @texasbassaddict

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