If you love Me, you will obey Me & I will rapture you ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

3 years ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

If you love Me, you will obey Me & I will rapture you

November 17, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “You have heard Me say, as I have said many times before, that the Rapture is soon. I have offered you a new way to handle the tensions involved in this event. Knowing it is soon and planning your lives, pursuing your God-given course can be managed without all this mystery and stress.

“Very simply… Live your lives in obedience, from moment to moment. If you know you are to go to school, continue to go – but remember, the shofar may sound at any moment. If you are getting married and having children, continue on, obeying Me – following My Plan for your life. Refuse to get entangled in such specious arguments as… ‘What if He comes tomorrow, what if He comes next year, or thirty years?’

“These are all temptations from the enemy to dilute your effectiveness right now, in this moment, with the calling I have set before you. If you have been given visions about future ministry, future gifts, do not try to fit them into your human time frames. You see, this is an act of unbelief.

“When I tell you that I am going to do such and such in your life, I tell you so you may understand where I am ultimately taking you. NOT so that you can stress and plan, question and doubt in your own mind, not so that you can reason out whether it’s before or after the Rapture. None of this has any bearing on the so-called time frames of Heaven.

“What I have promised, I will do with you, I will accomplish it with you. But it will be done in My timing and My order. Once I tell you what I am going to do with your life, once I give you the vision, bury it deep in your heart. Such a precious gift is not for you to know the times and seasons of, or exactly how I will go about it and in what order. Questions like these that arise in your minds come from the enemy or your own double-mindedness and insecurity about My ability to do what I’ve promised to you.

“Do you see that, My Loves? Do you understand the origin and dynamics of such reasonings? I tell you so that you might glory in My providence and how I go about things. That you might have a reference point for those strong urges in your souls. Yes, you feel these inspirations, because I have put them in your heart.

“My mother buried these things in her heart. ‘And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.’ (Luke 2:18-19)

“So, here you’ve got wonderment about what they meant. Speculations of every kind accompanied these events. But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. She knew full well what My plans were, and to her, all these things were signs along the way, that accompanied the mystery and glory of My incarnation. She didn’t question how all of this would be accomplished, rather she reveled in the unfolding of My Providential care, knowing that in due time all that was written in Scripture would come to pass.

“This is abandonment to My Providence. It is supremely pleasing to Me. It shows the confidence and faith of a soul who knows their maker is a faithful God. No matter what the conditions look like, no matter how impossible it seems, they know that with Me, nothing is impossible.

“So, I do not give you these inspirations to do certain things with you in the future, so that you can enter into the planning and manipulate things. No, I give them to you to ponder in your heart, to strengthen your faith that I am indeed capable of accomplishing what I have placed in your heart.

“‘Yes, Jesus, I trust in You’ – when said from the heart, in total conviction, are the most beautiful words you could ever say to Me....


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